One closed door

“One door closes and you notice another thousand were open all along for you to enter.”

Another day in the life of Haniel. Another setback. Another door closes, temporarily, when I wanted it to be the most open. Another disappointment I have to overcome. Another interview that has kicked me to the kerb. (oh, boy could I do any wrong… 17.5/100 was my interview score)

I was kind of disappointed about my results. After three years of running around and looking at different paths for me to to pursue, this failure knocked me down hard. I started questioning myself, doubting my abilities and interpersonal skills.

It took me some time to pick myself up. In fact, I didn’t pick myself up. Some people put me back on my feet. People who cared about me so deeply. people who I had my back when I had nowhere to go. People who supported me when I had no idea. My family, friends and teachers.

So, here I am. Writing after a failed interview.  An interview that has almost changed my life, when I think about it. An interview that made me meet some of the wonderful  people in my life. An interview that has once again realize the value of people around me. An interview that has given me another chance to have a go at certain things.

A closed door that has opened my eyes to the million other possibilities there could be.

The chess board

Many a times I used to wonder,
What it is like to be a chess board.
Watching two sides have a go,
Unable to do anything, but watch.

It all seems like blunder,
when people fight over your head.
What does the chess board think?
Am I of any worth?

It all seemed so absurd,
Until someone gave an advice.
“Be like the chess board”, they said,
Making me like always ponder, “what does that even mean?”

“Be like the chess board,
controlling all the moves.
Be like the chess board,
Indispensable for the game.

Be like the chess board,
Clean with just black and white.
Be like the chess board,
Unharmed by all the mess around.”

Many a times I used to wonder,
What it is like to be a chess board.
Now I have my answer,
Wanting to be be like one.

Why take a Resolution

Saswat kumar Dash

On every occasion that seems it could be a juncture, I take a resolution; may it be Quit smoking or not to neglect studies, to help the needy or not to get angry or to control the unnecessary expenses. All of those sounds relevant at that moment, not only to you but also to people close by. On this, it strikes a saying: ” Every New year the resolution to quit smoking goes up in Smoke”. Well, I know it’s hilarious but it is the sore truth. Adding, a recent study by the University of Scranton research suggests that just 8% of people achieve their New year’s Goal.

Does it mean taking resolution are mere talking ? OR Shall we not believe in such Ideas.

I’ll tell you my take, I keep it simple – for the least time – making it obvious and not keeping my friends and family…

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