Journey and destination

I find myself in a journey again. Another train journey and 8+ hours to spend doing something. I slept for some time, watched a movie for a while and finally, ended up here. What is important? The journey or the destination? Such an old question. But, still it gives you a lot to think about, a lot to reflect and remember.

I thought, the destination is more important. It is the most important part of any journey.  Without a destination, your journey won’t have any direction. Without a destination, a journey would’t be a journey. It would be just wandering around aimlessly. When you say someone that you are going on a journey, the first question they ask back is, “Where are you going?”. All the other questions about how and when come after that.

And suddenly, another thought crossed my mind. There were those journeys in which I enjoyed the travel, the places I saw and people I met before I even reached my destination. Those journeys themselves were important, even without the destination. Maybe, how we go is more important than where we go.

My mind was like the famous Tamil expression “மதில் மேல் பூனை” (mathil meethu poonai meaning, cat on the fence that could jump to either side). I still was unable to come to a clear conclusion. Two kids near me were flipping a coin and playing heard or tails. I was watching then and suddenly a thought popped in my head.

Maybe, journey and destination are like two sides of a coin. Both are to be present for the coin to be valid. I doesn’t mean one side is more important than the other. I have often heard people say, “The mean is as important as the end”.

When I thought more, I felt, In some cases, you might have to go through a wonderful journey to a destination that is not so pleasant or undertake a difficult and unpleasant journey to a beautiful destination. Whatever the situation is, try to enjoy the things that come your way.

Think about the beautiful destination, when you are having a tough time in your journey. Think about all the experience and enjoyment of the journey, if you are not happy with your destination. It doesn’t matter if it is the journey or the destination. All you have to do is find reasons to be happy, like those kids flipping coin happily.


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