The interview

Recently, I had  the chance to talk to a friend who had gone through an interview. I casually asked asked about his interview experience. He said that the overall interview experience was good, but something funny happened right before the interview. I asked him for details and here is what he said:

‘… I was waiting in the allocated area for people to wait before the interview. I was a bit nervous about my interview. Many different thoughts were bubbling in my head. I was trying to be cool and not show my nervousness. That is when I noticed that guy ahead of me in the waiting line.

He was very nervous and was shivering like a leaf in the wind. In the 30 minutes I was watching him, he drank 4 bottles of water and went to the washroom 5 times. He looked so pale and was looking as if he will faint if someone touched him.

Looking at him, I got a bit nervous. People are taking this interview very seriously, I thought. I was trying to change my thoughts. I tried not to let the shivering person influence my interview mindset anymore. That is when a guy came out the interview room.

People were flocking around him to hear about his interview. He sat next to me and was narrating the details of his interview. He was talking so fast, all I could think of was, ‘ how can someone talk this fast!’. Without any thoughts, I too started to listen to what he was saying.

‘The interview panel is very harsh. They don’t give me time to think. They didn’t even want to see my work. I had to ask them to see my works.’  He kept on talking. I was feeling nervous again. Fear of interview had crept into my mind.

On my right was a person so nervous about the interview and on my left was a person who was worrying people with his interview experience. Now, I was feeling so nervous, I was almost like that shivering guy (Except for the bottles and bottles of water). I had to reset my mind.

I went out of the waiting area, took a walk around the place, calmed my mind and came back just in time to attend the interview. I didn’t look at or talk to anyone before or after the interview. I didn’t want anyone to get tensed because of my babbling.’

I was listening to all this and was laughing uncontrollably. When I was done with the laughing, I thought about the incident in a different way.

Mostly, people when attending an interview will be nervous. Try to act in a way that doesn’t affect the psychology of people waiting for their turn. Even if people are asking you about your interview after coming out, just say that it went well, wish them all the best if possible and leave the place as quickly as you can.

Each interview experience will be different. Let others discover and enjoy the process. Don’t discourage people before they even start their journey. Have a good time

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